We Specialize in...
Fine Books and Book-Related Items Hand-Selected for Libraries and Reading Rooms.
Fine Books and Book-Related Items Hand-Selected for Libraries and Reading Rooms.
We are proud to partner with The Clinker Press and Master Printer Andres Chaves. Andre's work reflects a life-long appreciation of Arts and Crafts design and a devotion to the art of printing.
New York, N.Y. Ballantine Books, 1985. Book Club Edition. Hardcover...
New Yrok: National Metalizing Company / Armor Bronze, 1915. Bronze...
Read Moreabout Pair of Early Bronze "Darby and Joan" Old Couple Seated Reading Bookends 1910's
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1962. Book Club...
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980. First Edition, Second Printing...
Pasadena, CA: The Clinker Press, 2004. "Embroidery Workshop" poster created...
Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2004. First Edition, First Printing. Hardcover...
New York: The Dial Press, 1971. First Edition, Stated First...
Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1990. First Edition. Hardcover in brown...
New York: Science Fiction Book Club, 1998. First Science Fiction...
New York: Scribner, 2002. First Edition, First Printing. Hardcover in...
New York: Hurst and Company Publishers, 1901. First Edition, Thus...
New York: Bantam Spectra, 1988. Bill Sanderson. Book Club Edition...
Newark, NJ: Wildside Press, 1993. Book Club Edition. Hardcover in...
New York: Berkeley Putnam, 1980. Freff. Book Club Edition. Hardcover...
Franklin Center, Pennsylvania: Franklin Library, 1977. Blossom, David. First Edition...
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1966. Book Club Edition. Hardcover...
New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1950. First Edition. Hardcover...
New York, N.Y. Harper Collins Publishers, 2003. First Edition. Hardcover...
We believe that a "library" can be any space dedicated to the enjoyment of books.
We help individuals, families and organizations furnish their bookspaces with items for the library - "librariana" - beginning with rare and collectable books, and extending to fine art and antiques, reading tools and decorative accessories.
Whether your bookspace is a corner shelf in a bedroom, a room in your home, or a corporate space for meetings and work, Librariana.com can help you "improve your library".