Item #209 "The Summit of the Years" by John Burroughs
"The Summit of the Years" by John Burroughs
"The Summit of the Years" by John Burroughs
"The Summit of the Years" by John Burroughs

"The Summit of the Years" by John Burroughs

In The Summit of the Years by John Burroughs, the author gathers his memories summing up his accomplishments and the thoughts he felt best reflected his life. A gem of an essay. Evidently he thought he was not going to life long but his expectation was premature.Limited edition.nnOriginally published in 1913, The Summit of the Years is a classic example of this famed naturalist writer's body of work. As described in Wikipedia:n

[He] was an American naturalist and essayist important in the evolution of the U.S. conservation movement. According to biographers at the American Memory project at the Library of Congress, John Burroughs was the most important practitioner after Thoreau of that especially American literary genre, the nature essay. By the turn of the century he had become a virtual cultural institution in his own right: the Grand Old Man of Nature at a time when the American romance with the idea of nature, and the American conservation movement, had come fully into their own.
nPublished in a limited edition of 80 copies, The Summit of the Years by John Burroughs is hand-printed and hard bound. Item #209

Price: $60.00